Best month ever – 200 followers

200 followers. Can you believe it, neither can I.

This has been the best month of my life so far. I first hit a 100 followers, wrote my fifthiest post, got two awards and did two challenges and now I hit 200 followers. I mean I’m literally out of words to speak. More importantly I wanna thank all my followers and all my friends and family for supporting me, I couldn’t have done it withour you. I also made some amazing friends here in wordpress(like usual I’m getting teary again). Anyway I’m still going, so hold on because my journey is going to be one hell of a rollercoaster.

Thank you for reading.


  1. Congrats! You definitely seem to be taking off in the manga/anime side of things, good job!

    However, I would highly recommend once or twice a year going through and clearing out the deadwood. Deadwood is what I call sites that have stopped posting for several months, commercial sites using wordpress or or shysters who operate on the principle of “I follow people so they’ll hopefully follow me back and I’ll get ad revenue”. Not that I’m at all cynical, mind you 😀

    Liked by 1 person

      • Usually, if a blogger stops posting for 3-4 months, and they don’t give a specific post with the reason for it, it is because they’ve lost interest in blogging as a hobby and they just fade away.

        Liked by 2 people

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